Sunday, July 20, 2008

Disney Day 2

So any ways as the title suggest it's day 2 down here at Disney and things could be better. I didn't post day one because frankly it was pretty straight forward the usual I'm up and hyper and no one can keep up.
As for today at epcot more of the same which may make you ask why blog today right?
Put simply it's accured to me maybe it isn't the park that sucks, as much as the people. I mean my gf is fun the rest of them are just ruining it for me. Not to mention like the only part of epcot I was hyped about we're skiping. And ironicly it's the food.
Is it odd that I'm a stuborn ass just for the pricuple of things. Especally when it's my mother.

Posted with LifeCast

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